Scrawl: the Adult Party Game Where Innocent Doodles Turn Dirty Price: $12.60 (as of October 11, 2017, 12:45 am) & FREE Shipping. Details  (as of 10/10/2017 17:45 PST- Details) & FREE Shipping.

The deranged doodling adult party game, where bad drawers make great scrawlers
Pick one of 240 loaded phrases, doodle it and pass it on
By the time it gets back to you, things will have gone horribly wrong

Usually ships in 24 hours



Take a scenario card, doodle it, pass it on. By the time it gets through your friends’ disturbed minds, your delightful drawing of an ‘Angry Barbecue’ could be disfigured beyond belief. In the meantime, you’ve got to interpret the new drawing in front of you. Is that a really ugly baby? a badly fried egg? Or something else entirely… Get doodling. Start guessing. Most grins wins.
The deranged doodling adult party game, where bad drawers make great scrawlers
Pick one of 240 loaded phrases, doodle it and pass it on
By the time it gets back to you, things will have gone horribly wrong
Reveal the journey your drawing went on; points for funniest doodles and guesses
Age 17 and above, 4 to 8 players