
Watch Ya’ Mouth Adult Phrase Card Game Expansion Pack #1

 (as of October 11, 2017, 12:46 am) $12.28

HORRIBLE GAME FOR HORRIBLE PEOPLE: The Watch Ya Mouth Adult expansion is perfect if you are a horrible person who likes to say naughty things and see your friends say horrible things
TOP SELLING ADULT EXPANSION: Pair the original Watch Ya Mouth Card Game and an adult phrase expansion pack for a great complement to Cards Against Humanity
LAUGH OUT LOUD: Imagine your friends faces while they try to say explicit things while wearing cheek retractors/mouth pieces

Usually ships in 24 hours



NSFW (Not Safe For Work/Adult) expansion pack 1 for the authentic, hilarious mouth guard game, Watch Ya Mouth (also works with other knockoff mouth guard games of course)this is an expansion pack only and does not include cheek retractors. This is a “NSFW” or “not safe for work” expansion pack. It contains offensive material, sexually explicit material, vulgar phrases and words and gross concepts. This is for adults only. If you are easily offended, do not play this deck – we have lots of other fun, family-friendly expansion packs instead .
HORRIBLE GAME FOR HORRIBLE PEOPLE: The Watch Ya Mouth Adult expansion is perfect if you are a horrible person who likes to say naughty things and see your friends say horrible things
TOP SELLING ADULT EXPANSION: Pair the original Watch Ya Mouth Card Game and an adult phrase expansion pack for a great complement to Cards Against Humanity
LAUGH OUT LOUD: Imagine your friends faces while they try to say explicit things while wearing cheek retractors/mouth pieces
ENJOY WITH FRIENDS: 3-10 Players wear cheek retractors and speak out phrases while teammates guess what they are saying. Includes 143 regular phrase cards and 143 adults phase cards
NOTE: Expansion pack only. Cheek retractors/mouth guards sold separately